When most people get a diamond ring the first thing they do is research how to take care of it. Well, maybe the second thing. First they have to show it off. But after that they learn how to care for it. Well this is not one of those guides. Here you will learn exactly what not to do.
- NEVER EVER clean your ring. Some people choose to clean them with store bought jewelry cleaners. Some choose to take them to a jeweler. So if you don't want to keep your jewelry clean and sparkly, never clean it. But if you do decide to do something, definitely use harsh chemicals you use in your bathroom.
- Never take it off. If you want to chip your ring, you should definitely do things like rock climbing, hiking and building houses with your ring on. Also definitely leave it on when you're cooking, cleaning and working out.
- Don't insure it. No need to have your ring insured, which would cover you if it's ever stolen, lost or damaged. But if you do decide to insure it, definitely don't do your homework. You wouldn't want to know exactly what they cover. The fine print will tell you whether or not they cover mysterious disappearances, maintenance, or repairs, and who cares about that kind of stuff?
- Don't worry about maintenance. Don't worry about maintaining your ring, where they will tighten the prongs, clean it, and even recoat it if necessary. Who cares if you find yourself on all fours in public looking for your diamond that just fell out? Everyone will have a good laugh.
- Leave it on when you're swimming. Chlorine can damage your ring, especially if it is gold, regardless of whether or not it's white or yellow, so don't bother taking it off when you jump in the pool. Also, your fingers shrink in cold water so you may even lose it.
- Have your ring resized several times. The more you tinker with your ring the weaker it gets, so every time you get pregnant, have a baby, gain weight, lose weight or move to a more humid climate, you should have your ring resized. No need to wait and see if it evens out. Just have it resized again after you have that baby and your fingers shrink again.
Your wedding and engagement rings are some of your most prized possessions. In all seriousness, do the opposite of what you just read. Clean your ring often, take it off when the risk of chipping it arises, have it insured, take it in for maintenance every 6 months, take it off when you're swimming, and only have it resized if you absolutely have to. This will insure your ring lasts as long as your marriage. Or longer.